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Know Your Period Act

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Bill Summary

AB 2229, known as the Know Your Period Act, aims to bridge this critical gap in health education by adding comprehensive menstrual health education to the curriculum. This includes:

  • Understanding the menstrual cycle
  • Premenstrual syndrome and pain management
  • Menstrual disorders and irregularities
  • Menopause and menstrual stigma
  • Any other relevant topics related to the menstrual cycle

This initiative aligns with Federal policy, requiring buy-in and support from the state board of education and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) to create new menstrual health education standards to supplement the current health education curriculum. Additionally, the new curriculum will address the stigma and taboos surrounding menstruation, fostering a more inclusive and informed environment for all students.


The California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) requires middle and high school students to receive comprehensive sexual health education. This education emphasizes topics like HIV prevention, abstinence, and healthy relationships while encouraging communication with parents. Enacted in 2016, this law aims to provide students with accurate information and empower them to make informed choices about their sexual health.

However, Education Code 51931 does not explicitly state that menstruation health is part of comprehensive sexual health education. This gap in education affects millions of students every year.

Around 1.8 billion people across the globe menstruate monthly, yet no established curriculum teaches youth about the menstrual cycle. This lack of education can perpetuate societal stigmas and taboos surrounding menstruation, leading to shame and embarrassment, as well as poorer health outcomes.


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Why Support AB 2229

Here are several reasons:

  • Improving Health Outcomes: Educating students about menstrual health can improve their health outcomes by promoting early detection and management of menstrual disorders.
  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: Providing accurate information empowers students to make informed decisions about their bodies.
  • Reducing Stigma: Comprehensive education helps break down societal stigmas and taboos surrounding menstruation, promoting a more inclusive and supportive environment.
  • Supporting Youth Development: Knowledge about menstrual health is essential for young people's well-being and development.

How Can I Get Involved

Your support is vital to the success of AB 2229. Here’s how:

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Sample Post Copy
AB 2229 needs your support to bring comprehensive menstrual health education to our schools. Sign the petition and join us in making a difference for our youth. Every signature counts!

  • Call to Action: [Insert Petition Link]
  • Hashtags: #TakeAction #KnowYourPeriod #AB2229 #SupportAB2229 #MenstrualHealth #KYP #CALeg

View the Fact Sheet Here

Press Releases

Assemblywoman Lori D. Wilson Introduces Bill AB 2229 to Enhance Comprehensive Sexual Health Education in California Schools
