California is home to nearly 2 million veterans. Veterans deserve the care they were promised and the benefits that they have earned in service to our country. Thank you for your service to our nation.
The following links highlight a number of critical resources that are available to veterans.
- Resources And Support | Veterans Affairs (
- Eligibility For VA Health Care | Veterans Affairs
- VA Mental Health Services | Veterans Affairs
- Resources for Older Veterans | VA Mental Health - Mental Health
- Help for Service Members and Their Families |
- Jobs and Training for Veterans | USAGov
- Military and Veteran Families | Food and Nutrition Service (
- CalVet Veteran Services Food Assistance
- CalVet Veteran Services Housing Benefits
- Housing Help for Veterans | USAGov
- CA Veterans Resource Book
Special Driver's Licenses and Identification Cards
Through their service to our country, veterans have earned a wide range of benefits.
However, it can be difficult to verify their service in order to acquire those benefits. In fact, not having proof of military service is one of the biggest obstacles veterans face gaining access to resources, benefits, and services. As such, a new law that I had the privilege of supporting is fixing this problem by adding the word "veteran" to California identification cards.
Veterans can easily prove their eligibility to receive state and federal veterans benefits without having to carry inconvenient and inefficient papers.
Applying for the veteran driver's license and ID is easy:
- Simply find your military discharge certificate (DD214). If you need help obtaining your
military records, then contact your local County Veteran Service Officer (CVSO). - Stop by your local CVSO with your DD214 for verification.
- Go to, or call the DMV at 1-800-777-0133, to make an appointment. Bring your verified application form, and a small application fee.
You must complete all applicable requirements. The application form certifies the veteran applying for the veteran ID card is from the active armed forces, and was discharged under honorable circumstances.
My staff and I are always ready to offer assistance on any state issues that you may have. Please do not hesitate to call my office to speak with a representative.