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End Slavery in California Act (ACA 8) Passes Senate Public Safety Committee, Moves to Senate Elections Committee

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, CA – The End Slavery in California Act (ACA 8), authored by Assemblywoman Lori D. Wilson, has made significant progress by passing out of the Senate Public Safety Committee. This crucial step brings California closer to abolishing the practice of forced labor for incarcerated workers and removing the last vestiges of slavery from the state constitution.

Assemblywoman Lori D. Wilson emphasized the urgency of advancing this historic measure, stating, “The passage of ACA 8 out of the Senate Public Safety Committee marks a critical moment in our pursuit of justice and human dignity. We must urgently move this bill through the Senate Elections and Appropriations Committees, and onto the Senate and Assembly floors, so we can get it to the voters. Californians deserve the opportunity to abolish slavery once and for all.”

The ACA 8 Coalition, echoed this sentiment: “We are fighting to give people long-overdue humanity. Californians should be able to say how they feel about the forced labor of incarcerated people and our state’s continued use of slavery/involuntary servitude as a means to exploit human beings in 2024. The ACA 8 Coalition is determined to give voters the opportunity to add their voice to this movement. We must end slavery. No excuses, no exceptions.”

Following its passage in the Senate Public Safety Committee, ACA 8 now moves to the Senate Elections Committee. Upon approval there, it will proceed to the Senate Appropriations Committee, and subsequently, to the Senate and Assembly floors for a final vote.